Thursday, 12 April 2012

Review of "Club Justice" by Mara McBain

5 stars

Mara McBain delivered a fast-paced, compelling, and intriguing read with Club Justice. The characters were well rounded and intense, and their actions and reactions were realistic and believable. I really fell under a spell reading this book. 

Ginny, with her fresh, sarcastic attitude and formidable inner strength, will have you crying and laughing all at the same time, and Zeke, her rock-solid protector and husband, will have you torn between snickering and smacking him upside the head. Together, they create a world full of action, drama, suspense, and romance, all wound up together so tight that it's almost impossible to put down until the very last word. 

Definitely a must read! 

Thursday, 5 April 2012

Anthology Calls for Submissions

As of late, I have been actively seeking publication in anthologies to get some more publishing credits for when I start marketing my books next year. I have found a few places that are looking for submissions for themed anthologies, so I thought I would share my knowledge with all of you. The following publishers are seeking all different kinds of erotica from soft and romantic to hot.

Xcite Books

Xcite Books is looking for submissions ranging from 3,000 to 5,000 words with several different themes. They are a UK publishing company that does both print and e-book formats. To check out what they're looking for go to

Forbidden Fiction

Forbidden Fiction is seeking submissions ranging from short story to novella length for themed anthologies. Check out their guidelines and calls for submission at

Silver Publishing

Silver Publishing is seeking submissions for mainly the 10,000+ word count range, and their main focus of interest is in M/M scenarios. They have several themed calls all with specific guidelines and requirements. Check them out at

Ravenous Romance

Ravenous Romance is seeking short story submissions between 2.500 words and 5,000 words. They also accept novel submissions. Check out their submission guidelines and requirements at All calls for anthology submissions are published on their blog at

There are, of course, many others who are seeking short stories for individual sale and/or for anthologies. A great place to find these calls and publishers is

Happy writing, everyone!!

Wednesday, 4 April 2012

Make Your Characters Bleed

Make your characters bleed. In my years as an author and a reader, I've been told over and over that making your characters bleed (metaphorically speaking) will keep your readers reading. It's always in the back of my mind when I write, but I never realized before the other night just how true it is. I was watching Being Human like I always do, when it hit me. In this episode, each one of the main characters suffered a huge loss or came to an unsavory realization about themselves, and it just about drove me crazy when it ended because I needed to know what happened next. How did each of them deal with the conflict? What effects would it have on them in the future?

I went out for a cigarette and thought back through the episodes, trying to figure out what it was about the show that compelled me to watch it every week. Of course there was the obvious: intriguing characters, a sexy vamp, a fumbling but charming 'wolf, great setting, believable minor plot lines... but beyond all that, I discovered that almost every episode included some kind of hardship for at least one of the characters. The good things were few and far between, but they were enough for me to believe that good things could happen. So, even though the last episode ended on a negative note, as the audience, I have hope that good things can happen.

This realization sent me back to my novella in progress and I ended up writing well into the wee morning hours with this old but new piece of advice: make your characters bleed.

Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Good News

I just received email confirmation that my erotic short story The Haven will be appearing on Every Night Erotica. Check it out and let me know what you think!