Tuesday, 28 January 2014

Best Erotic Romance 2014 ~ Call for subs

Best Erotic Romance 2014
Editor: Kristina Wright
Publisher: Cleis Press
Submission Deadline: April 15
Payment: $50 per story and 2 copies of the book, on publication
E-mail: besteroticromance2015@gmail.com
Best Erotic Romance 2015 is the fourth edition in the annual series featuring erotic romance fiction by some of the best authors in the industry. Earlier editions were well-reviewed in Publishers Weekly and RT Book Reviews and I am once again looking for the very best stories in the genre for this collection.
According to Romance Writers of America, a romance must include two key elements: a central love story and an emotionally-satisfying, optimistic ending. In erotic romance, the sexual component is critical to the development of the romantic relationship. To get an idea of what I’m looking for, I strongly recommend reading the three previous editions of Best Erotic Romance.
The collection will be primarily heterosexual with a female audience in mind. However, stories may include bisexual or lesbian encounters as well as polyandrous relationships or group encounters. I have a preference for realistic stories with contemporary settings for this series, but any time period will be considered. No incest, nonconsensual sex, bestiality or underage characters, please.
Please be sure to follow all of the submission guidelines: I will consider up to two stories per author. Unpublished stories only, no simultaneous submissions. Please do not send me a story that is being considered elsewhere. The desired story length is 2,500-5,000 words. Double-space and indent the first line of each paragraph.  Do not put extra spaces between paragraphs. Include your full contact information (legal name/pseudonym, mailing address and phone number) and a bio of 50 words or less written in the third person.  Please paste your story into the body of your e-mail and attach it as a Microsoft Word .doc file. Send your submission to besteroticromance2015@gmail.com with Submission: Story Title in the subject line.  Please direct any questions to the same address. The deadline is April 15, but earlier submissions are very much appreciated.
Payment will be $50 per story and 2 copies of the book upon publication.  Contributors retain the rights to their work and Cleis Press has final approval over the stories selected for the book. Authors will be notified upon approval of the manuscript from the publisher. If you have not received a response by September 1, please feel free to query me.

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